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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 9, 2018

Airport Arrival

Học kỹ đoạn thoại - nghe thật kỹ âm trước khi tập đọc và học thuộc nha. Hôm sau chia ra người A người B Ôn lại kỹ các câu hỏi đã chuẩn bị.  Airport Arrival.mp3 lyric A: hey, don't worry.uk, my brother will meet you at the airport.     Sorry, but i have to work that day B: So, you can't come to get me ? A: No, uh, sorry. B: Uh, well, um, what does your brother look like ? A: Well, he's fairly tall, he has short light brown hair, and he's pretty thin.     He's certainly not a body builder or pro wrestler B: Okay, Um, what else ? A: Oh, and he usually wears a white baseball cap with crazy looking red shoes     i mean, you can't miss him B: Alright, So, I'm looking for some tall crazy looking guy with wild red shoes who's ready to play baseball ? A: Exactly B: And what's his name ? A: Well,, uh Mike, Michael.     He goes by either one B: Alright A: Alright, Bye B: hope he shows up ? A: Okay

câu hỏi đoạn đọc thoại 2'40s beta 2

1.weekend 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 2. party 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 3. taxi 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 4.restaurant 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 5. cook 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 6. direction (chỉ đường) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 7. discrible people 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 8.housing 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 9. shopping 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 10.move 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

2 đoạn thoại về Job

1. I'm a salesperson I sell computers, I like my job, it's really interesting, and I need lots of interesting people 2 yes, I like it alot .I like acting in front of lots of people. one day I hope to write a book about my work 3 it's an interesting job. and it's good for me because I love travel and flying. I visit lots of countries every year.And well. I know it's silly but I like my uniform 4 it's a good job for me because I like food and I love cooking lots of famous people come to our restaurant to 5. nursing is a good job for me I like helping people .you know . sick people 6. I like my work because I work outside. it's hard work but the pay is good and it keeps me in shape 1. hi Jen Oh hi are you still working in the bank Yeah 2. where are you working now Sonia I just started as a chef in an Italian restaurant come and try my food . sounds great I'd love too 3 are you still at school Bob.  no I grad

câu hỏi các đoạn đọc thoại beta 1

Hình ảnh
ồ ra vậy Weekend -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had a really great weekend. I didn't have anything to do on Saturday afternoon so I went to the mall.  I went into a department store to look around . They were having a contest. All you had to do was write answers to some easy questions about pop music and put your answers in a box. Then they pulled out three names for a prize. And guess what? Mine was the first name they pulled out. I couldn't believe it. And it's a terrific prize. A weekend for two in Las Vegas! Tôi đã có một ngày cuối tuần thực sự tuyệt vời. Tôi không có gì để làm vào chiều thứ bảy vì vậy tôi đã đi đến trung tâm mua sắm. Tôi đã đi vào một cửa hàng bách hóa để nhìn xung quanh. Họ đã có một cuộc thi. Tất cả những gì bạn phải làm là viết câu trả lời cho một số câu hỏi dễ dàng về nhạc pop và đưa câu trả lời của bạn vào một ô. Sau đó, họ rút ra ba cái tên cho mộ

Full review Flim | 20.9.2018

1. I went to a really dumb movie last night. You should save yourself some money and find something else to do. It's supposed to be a comedy, but it isn't very funny at all. The story is really boring. It's all about some guys who are planning a bank robbery, and everything goes wrong. Some of the actors were really big stars, but the acting was just terrible. They seemed bored, and so was I. The ending was supposed to be this big surprise, but everyone in the theater knew it was coming. I guess the only good part was the music. The opening song had a great beat, and the rest of the soundtrack wasn't bad. 2. I saw that new action movie this weekend. The story was much better than I expected. The main character has to go way underground, under the subway stations, to find this monster! The main character is that really handsome star Matt Castle. He looked fantastic. It's worth the price of a ticket just to see him on the big screen, smiling and fighting, and we

[group 3 (5.3) thay nguyen]: 16.9.2018 topic : review film 2

Hình ảnh
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hình ảnh học 14.9.2018 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.  đoạn 2 I saw that new action movie this weekend Tôii đã xem bộ phim hành động mới này vào cuối tuần này. the story was much better than I expected Câu chuyện đã tốt hơn nhiều so với tôi mong đợi. the main character has to go away underground under the subway stations to find this monster Nhân vật chính phải đi dưới lòng đất dưới các ga tàu điện ngầm để tìm con quái vật này. the main character is that really handsome star Matt Cassel Nhân vật chính là ngôi sao thực sự đẹp trai Matt Cassel. he looked fantastic Anh ấy trông tuyệt vời. it's worth the price of a ticket just to see him on the big screen smiling and fighting and wearing these really great suits Đó là giá trị của một vé ch

[group 3 (5.4) thay nguyen]: 20.9.2018 topic : review film 3

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hình ảnh học 14.9.2018 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. đoạn 3 I saw an excellent movie last night. It was a totally different kind of story from a typical war movie0it was exciting and intelligent. The star was that actor who just won a big award. He's always good, but he's unbelievably good in this one. And the actress who plays opposite him is wonderful. The ending is really sad, but it also made me thing a lot about really deep and important stuff. I like it when movies do that to me. You should really try to see it. I don't usually like war movies, but this one is really exciting. It has a terrific soundtrack. The songs made the battle scenes really exciting. 4. đoạn 4  (hoc doan 4) Have you seen that new animated movie that's

[group 3 (4.7) thay nguyen]: 8.9.2018 topic : shopping 6

Hình ảnh

[group 3 (4.5) thay nguyen]: 4.9.2018 topic : shopping 5

Hình ảnh

[group 3 (5.2) thay nguyen]: 14.9.2018 topic : review film 1

1. đoạn 1  I went to a really dumb movie last night Tôi đã đi đến một bộ phim thực sự câm tối qua you should save yourself some money and find something else to do bạn nên tiết kiệm cho mình một số tiền và tìm việc khác để làm it's supposed to be a comedy but it isn't very funny at all nó được coi là một bộ phim hài nhưng nó không phải là rất buồn cười ở tất cả the story is really boring câu chuyện thực sự nhàm chán it's all about some guys were planning a bank robbery and everything goes wrong đó là tất cả về một số kẻ đã lập kế hoạch cướp ngân hàng và mọi thứ đều sai some of the actors were really big stars but the acting was just terrible they seemed bored and so was I một số diễn viên thực sự là những ngôi sao lớn nhưng diễn xuất thật khủng khiếp, họ dường như chán và tôi cũng vậy the ending was supposed to be this big surprise but everyone in the theater knew it was coming Kết thúc được cho là sự ngạc nhiên lớn này nhưng mọi người trong n

[group 3 (5.0 thay nguyen]: 12.9.2018 topic : review film

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bản tóm tắt cần học 1. so how was the movie oh not bad what was it about it's about a policeman who goes crazy and starts chasing people lots of excitement car chases things like that  you like it 2. it's about this crazy guy who gets lost on the freeway he gets off at the wrong exit and then everything starts to go wrong 3. about these things that come out of the ground at night and start killing people 4. it's about a scientific experiment they give this family some special drugs and they go to sleep for a hundred years it's all about what happens when they wake up and how the world is changed 5. oh it's one of those cowboy stories usual thing A cowboy rides into town on his horse cleans up the town and rides out with a girl 6. yeah it was really exciting it's about a drug gang that takes over a ho

[group 3 (4.7) thay nguyen]: 8.9.2018 topic : shopping 7

Hình ảnh
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- buổi học 6.9.2018 ảnh chỉnh   ảnh gốc -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- shopping for vegetables w : how much are those apples M: they're $2,50 a pound w: what about those bananas ? M: They're $2,00 a pound w: That's so expensive. i bought bananas for $1,5 just yesterday M: The prices went up today. I have to charge more w: hey, I'm a regular customer , Culllen . $2,00 is just too much M: ok, Ms. Patterson . How does $1,80 sound to you ? w: Well, it does sound better but $1,70 would be fair. . M: Ms. patterson. you're killing me . Where's my profit ? w: Come on, i come here almost every day. Let's make it $1,75 M: Alright, alright! You win. You drive a hard bargain , Ms. Patterson. How many pounds you need ? w: give me 2

[group 3 (4.4) thay nguyen]: 3.9.2018 topic : shopping 4 ***

Hình ảnh
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Microwave ovens.mp3 These microwave ovens are very popular. You won’t find them in other stores because they’re made especially for us. We import them from our factory in Mexico. They’re very well made and come with a three-year guarantee. Your receipt is your guarantee. One great thing is they only weigh ten kilos, so you can easily pick one up if you want to move it or clean it. They also have a really special feature you don’t find in other microwaves. They display popular recipes on this little screen in front. It has receipes for over 500 easy dishes. 2. Jacket.mp3 This jacket is very strong. It’s made of nylon, so it’s very easy to take care of. It comes in six different colors. You don’t need to dry clean it. You can just throw