câu hỏi các đoạn đọc thoại beta 1

ồ ra vậy


I had a really great weekend. I didn't have anything to do on Saturday afternoon so I went to the mall. I went into a department store to look around. They were having a contest. All you had to do was write answers to some easy questions about pop music and put your answers in a box. Then they pulled out three names for a prize. And guess what? Mine was the first name they pulled out. I couldn't believe it. And it's a terrific prize. A weekend for two in Las Vegas!

Tôi đã có một ngày cuối tuần thực sự tuyệt vời. Tôi không có gì để làm vào chiều thứ bảy vì vậy tôi đã đi đến trung tâm mua sắm. Tôi đã đi vào một cửa hàng bách hóa để nhìn xung quanh. Họ đã có một cuộc thi. Tất cả những gì bạn phải làm là viết câu trả lời cho một số câu hỏi dễ dàng về nhạc pop và đưa câu trả lời của bạn vào một ô. Sau đó, họ rút ra ba cái tên cho một giải thưởng. Và đoán xem? Tôi là tên đầu tiên họ rút ra. Tôi không thể tin được. Và đó là một giải thưởng tuyệt vời. Một ngày cuối tuần cho hai người ở Las Vegas!

1. Did you have a good weekend? (Cuối tuần của bạn vui vẻ chứ?)
- yes, I had a really great weekend
 I didn't have anything to do on Saturday afternoon

2. Did you do anything interesting over the weekend?
- I went into a department store to look around
join in write answers to some easy questions about pop music 
and put your answers in a box.
Then they pulled out three names for a prize. And guess what? Mine was the first name they pulled out. I couldn't believe it. And it's a terrific prize. A weekend for two in Las Vegas!

3.  How many people stay a weekend in Las Vegas with you ?
A weekend for two in Las Vegas
4. why did you went to the mall ?
I didn't have anything to do on Saturday
5. when did you went to the mall ?
- on Saturday afternoon
6. what did you do take a gift ?
- write answers to some easy questions about pop music

Saturday morning, I got a phone call from an old school friend. I haven't seen her for a long time. She was one of my closest friends in high school, but she moved to Los Angeles to work. She was in town for four days so she invited me to a restaurant for lunch. We had such a pleasant time together. She was telling me about her job in Los Angeles. It sounds really interesting. She works for a movie company and she has to find places where they can film movies --- you know, places like restaurants, hotel lobbies, parks, and streets.

Sáng thứ bảy, tôi nhận được một cú điện thoại từ một người bạn học cũ. Tôi đã không gặp cô ấy trong một thời gian dài. Cô ấy là một trong những người bạn thân nhất của tôi ở trường trung học, nhưng cô ấy đã chuyển đến Los Angeles để làm việc. Cô ấy đã ở trong thị trấn trong bốn ngày nên cô ấy mời tôi đến một nhà hàng để ăn trưa. Chúng tôi đã có một thời gian vui vẻ với nhau. Cô ấy kể cho tôi nghe về công việc của cô ấy ở Los Angeles. Nghe có vẻ rất thú vị. Cô ấy làm việc cho một công ty điện ảnh và cô ấy phải tìm những nơi họ có thể quay phim --- bạn biết đấy, những nơi như nhà hàng, hành lang khách sạn, công viên và đường phố.

7. what time your phone ring ?
- Saturday morning
8. who did call you by phone ?
phone call from an old school friend. 
I haven't seen her for a long time
She was one of my closest friends in high school, but she moved to Los Angeles to work
9. what was she say with you by phone?
-  she invited me to a restaurant for lunch 
because She was in town for four days so 
10. how did you feel lunch in restaurant ?
- We had such a pleasant time together
11.what was she say with you in lunch?
She was telling me about her job in Los Angeles. It sounds really interesting. She works for a movie company and she has to find places where they can film movies --- you know, places like restaurants, hotel lobbies, parks, and streets.
12.  What’s your job?
She works for a movie company and she has to find places where they can film movies --- you know, places like restaurants, hotel lobbies, parks, and streets.
I went to my friend's birthday party on Saturday night. I don't always enjoy going to birthday parties because you often have to play stupid games and things. Well we did have to play all sorts of stupid games, but I really enjoyed myself. I guess it was because the people at the party were all interesting. And there was good music, too. Somebody brought along some dance music and everyone had a great time dancing. I didn't get home until after 2 a.m.
Tôi đã đi dự tiệc sinh nhật của bạn tôi vào tối thứ bảy. Tôi không luôn thích đi dự tiệc sinh nhật vì bạn thường phải chơi trò chơi ngu ngốc và mọi thứ. Vâng, chúng tôi đã phải chơi tất cả các loại trò chơi ngu ngốc, nhưng tôi thực sự rất thích bản thân mình. Tôi đoán đó là bởi vì những người ở bữa tiệc đều thú vị. Và cũng có âm nhạc hay. Ai đó đã mang theo một số bản nhạc khiêu vũ và mọi người đều có thời gian nhảy múa tuyệt vời. Tôi không về nhà cho đến sau 2 giờ sáng
13. why you don't alway enjoy going to birthday parties ?
- because you often have to play stupid games and things
Well we did have to play all sorts of stupid games, but I really enjoyed myself
14. what did you think about birthday party of him ?
- I guess it was because the people at the party were all interesting. And there was good music, too. Somebody brought along some dance music and everyone had a great time dancing. I didn't get home until after 2 a.m.
15. when was you get home ? 
I didn't get home until after 2 a.m.



Peter's party was terrible. We had to play all sorts of stupid games, like memorizing everyone's name. Twenty questions I think. Then we watched a home video of Peter's vacation in Hawaii. Boring! Actually, I prefer parties where people just sit around and talk and eat, but we didn't eat till very late. The worst thing was when we finally did eat, there wasn't enough food. I was still feeling hungry when I left.

Bữa tiệc của Peter thật khủng khiếp. Chúng tôi phải chơi đủ loại trò chơi ngu ngốc, như ghi nhớ tên của mọi người. Hai mươi câu hỏi tôi nghĩ. Sau đó, chúng tôi xem một video gia đình về kỳ nghỉ của Peter ở Hawaii. Nhàm chán! Trên thực tế, tôi thích các bữa tiệc mà mọi người chỉ ngồi xung quanh và nói chuyện và ăn, nhưng chúng tôi đã không ăn cho đến rất muộn. Điều tồi tệ nhất là khi chúng tôi ăn xong, không có đủ thức ăn. Tôi vẫn cảm thấy đói khi tôi rời đi. 

1.why are you hate taxi here ?
The drivers drive too fast and really dangerously
2. how did you fell attitude (a ti tiu)  their (đe |r|) ?
- they’re often rude
3. what is hate the most their ?
they aren’t air conditioned
4. how did you feel the party perter?
- Peter's party was terrible
We had to play all sorts of stupid games, like memorizing everyone's name. Twenty questions I think.
5. what did you watch the movie in Peter's party ?
- we watched a home video of Peter's vacation in Hawaii
Boring! Actually, I prefer parties where people just sit around and talk and eat
6. why was you still feeling hungry when you left.
The worst thing was when we finally did eat, there wasn't enough food
7. how did you feel about the movie of peter?
- Boring! Actually, I prefer parties where people just sit around and talk and eat
8. what do you want when you go to the party ?
I prefer parties where people just sit around and talk and eat
9. what happens when there wasn't enough food
- I was still feeling hungry when I left.
10  what the thing make Peter's party was terrible ?
We had to play all sorts of stupid games, like memorizing everyone's name. Twenty questions I think. Then we watched a home video of Peter's vacation in Hawaii. Boring! Actually, I prefer parties where people just sit around and talk and eat, but we didn't eat till very late. The worst thing was when we finally did eat, there wasn't enough food. I was still feeling hungry when I left.
11. where the location perter on the movie ?
in Hawaii
I went to this party on Saturday night. When I arrived, I looked around and I didn't know anyone there, but everyone was really friendly and soon I got to know a lot of people. I really enjoyed myself. I thought it was going to be a dance party but no one really felt like dancing. We listened to some nice music, though. There were some guys from Spain there. One of them had a guitar and could play it really well. The best thing was he taught us some neat Spanish songs. We all really enjoyed singing them.

Tôi đã đi đến bữa tiệc này vào tối thứ bảy. Khi tôi đến, tôi nhìn quanh và tôi không biết ai ở đó, nhưng mọi người đều rất thân thiện và sớm tôi biết rất nhiều người. Tôi thực sự rất thích bản thân mình. Tôi nghĩ đó sẽ là một bữa tiệc khiêu vũ nhưng không ai thực sự cảm thấy thích khiêu vũ. Tuy nhiên, chúng tôi đã nghe một số bản nhạc hay. Có một số người từ Tây Ban Nha ở đó. Một trong số họ có một cây đàn guitar và có thể chơi rất tốt. Điều tốt nhất là ông đã dạy chúng tôi một số bài hát tiếng Tây Ban Nha gọn gàng. Chúng tôi thực sự rất thích hát chúng.




I hate using taxis here. The drivers drive too fast and really dangerously. And they’re often rude. The cars are mostly in pretty poor condition. But what I hate the most is that they aren’t air conditioned. It’s so hot here. They really need air-conditioned taxis. By the time I arrive somewhere, I feel really hot and uncomfortable.
Tôi ghét sử dụng taxi ở đây. Các trình điều khiển lái xe quá nhanh và thực sự nguy hiểm. Và chúng thường thô lỗ. Những chiếc xe chủ yếu là trong tình trạng khá nghèo. Nhưng điều tôi ghét nhất là họ không được điều hòa. Ở đây rất nóng. Họ thực sự cần taxi máy lạnh. Khi tôi đến một nơi nào đó, tôi cảm thấy thực sự nóng và khó chịu. 

1.why are you hate taxi here ?
- The drivers drive too fast and really dangerously2. how did you fell attitude (a ti tiu)  their (đe |r|) ?
- they’re often rude
3. what is hate the most their ?
they aren’t air conditioned
4. why are they need air-conditioned
-  I feel really hot and uncomfortable.
5. how did you feel the taxis here ?
- The drivers drive too fast and really dangerously. And they’re often rude. The cars are mostly in pretty poor condition6. why aren’t air conditioned taxi ?
The cars are mostly in pretty poor condition

7. what did you feel when you By the time I arrive somewhereBy the time I arrive somewhere, I feel really hot and uncomfortable.
11. what the thing do you scare when using the taxis here ?
he drivers drive too fast and really dangerously
12. what happens when haven't air-conditioned
It’s so hot here
13. what the thing do you uncomfortable ?
don't air conditioned By the time I arrive somewhere, I feel really hot

I've taken quite a few taxi rides recently. I've never had any big problems using taxis here. They're usually clean and the cars are pretty new. The prices are good, too. The thing I like most, though, is the drivers. They drive very carefully, and I think that's very important.

Gần đây tôi đã đi taxi vài lần. Tôi chưa từng gặp vấn đề gì lớn khi sử dụng taxi ở đây. Chúng thường sạch sẽ và những chiếc xe khá mới. Giá cũng tốt. Điều tôi thích nhất, mặc dù, là các trình điều khiển. Họ lái xe rất cẩn thận, và tôi nghĩ điều đó rất quan trọng.  

10. what the thing very important for the taxi ?
- They drive very carefully and The prices are good, too
I find that taxi here are okay. They're pretty comfortable. Most of the cars they use are new and they keep them really clean. They're a little expensive, though. I paid $50 to come from the airport. That is too expensive. I guess the thing I hate the most, though, is that the drivers don't speak English very well. It's very difficult to explain to them where you want to go.

Tôi thấy taxi ở đây không sao. Họ khá thoải mái. Hầu hết những chiếc xe họ sử dụng là mới và họ giữ chúng thật sạch sẽ. Tuy nhiên, chúng hơi tốn kém. Tôi đã trả 50 đô la để đến từ sân bay. Đó là quá đắt. Tôi đoán điều tôi ghét nhất, mặc dù, là các trình điều khiển không nói tiếng Anh rất tốt. Rất khó để giải thích cho họ nơi bạn muốn đi. 

8. how much is it to the airport from here
- I paid $50 to come from the airport. That is too expensive 
becasuse  They're pretty comfortable. Most of the cars they use are new and they keep them really clean.
9. why you hate the most when don't speak English very well 
- It's very difficult to explain to them where you want to go.

15. do you like the cars they use are new and they keep them really clean ?
The taxis here are okay, I guess. They're very cheap, so that's the thing I like most about them. It never costs more than a few dollars to go anywhere. But the taxis are all pretty old, so they're not very comfortable. Half of them don't have seat belts or air conditioning.

Các taxi ở đây là okay, tôi đoán. Chúng rất rẻ, vì vậy đó là điều tôi thích nhất về chúng. Nó không bao giờ chi phí nhiều hơn một vài đô la để đi bất cứ nơi nào. Nhưng các xe taxi đều khá cũ, vì vậy chúng không thoải mái lắm. Một nửa trong số họ không có dây an toàn hoặc điều hòa không khí

9. why the taxis very cheap ?
the taxis are all pretty old, so they're not very comfortable. Half of them don't have seat belts or air conditioning.
10. why It never costs more than a few dollars to go anywhere ?
The taxis here are okay, I guess. They're very cheap
But the taxis are all pretty old, so they're not very comfortable.

14 what happens when the taxis are all pretty old ?
- so they're not very comfortable




I went to a new steak restaurant last night that opened near my house. I love trying new places. To start the meal, I had an interesting appetizer. It was some kind of seafood with a spicy sauce on it… Mmm! The main dish, of course, was steak. It was very small and a little tough, though. However, the vegetables were great—nice and fresh, but not too oily. The final thing was the best—the dessert! It was apple pie with a lot of ice cream on it. I know that I shouldn’t eat so many sweets, but it was delicious!

Tôi đã đi đến một nhà hàng bít-tết mới tối qua đã mở gần nhà tôi. Tôi thích thử những địa điểm mới. Để bắt đầu bữa ăn, tôi đã có một món khai vị thú vị. Đó là một số loại hải sản với nước sốt cay ... Mmm! Món chính, tất nhiên, là bít tết. Nó rất nhỏ và một chút khó khăn. Tuy nhiên, các loại rau rất tuyệt vời - đẹp và tươi, nhưng không quá nhờn. Điều cuối cùng là tốt nhất - món tráng miệng! Đó là chiếc bánh táo với rất nhiều kem trên đó. Tôi biết rằng tôi không nên ăn quá nhiều đồ ngọt, nhưng nó rất ngon!

câu 1:where is that streak restaurant ?
that opened near my house
câu 2: what did you eat,to start the meal in strak restaurank ?
To start the meal, I had an interesting appetizer. It was some kind of seafood with a spicy sauce on it… 
câu 3: what the main dish ?
The main dish, of course, was steak. It was very small and a little tough, though.
câu 4: how was the vegetable ?
 the vegetables were great—nice and fresh, but not too oily
câu 5: why did you want go to the new steak restaurant last night ?
 I love trying new places.
câu 6: how was the main dish ?
 It was very small and a little tough, though.
câu 7: how do you feel the dessert ?
The final thing was the best, 
 It was apple pie with a lot of ice cream on it. I know that I shouldn’t eat so many sweets, but it was delicious!
câu 8: what the have in the desert ?
 It was apple pie with a lot of ice cream on it
câu 9: Do you like the desser ?
I know that I shouldn’t eat so many sweets, but it was delicious!

Have you ever tried that seafood restaurant on Main Street? You should— it’s great! I go there often. In fact, I went there last weekend. To begin, I had a salad. It was nice and fresh with a great house dressing. My main dish was a fish that I had never tried. I really enjoyed the spices it was cooked in. The vegetables were good—very fresh and tasty. For dessert, I had chocolate cake. It’s usually very delicious, but this time, it was much too sweet. I couldn’t eat more than two bites! That’s okay, though, because I’m on a diet.

Bạn đã bao giờ thử nhà hàng hải sản trên Main Street chưa? Bạn nên - nó tuyệt vời! Tôi thường xuyên đến đó. Trong thực tế, tôi đã đến đó cuối tuần trước. Để bắt đầu, tôi đã có một món salad. Nó rất đẹp và tươi mát với một bộ đồ tuyệt vời. Món chính của tôi là một con cá mà tôi chưa bao giờ thử. Tôi thực sự rất thích các loại gia vị được nấu chín. Các loại rau rất ngon - rất tươi và ngon. Đối với món tráng miệng, tôi đã có bánh sô cô la. Nó thường rất ngon, nhưng lần này, nó quá ngọt ngào. Tôi không thể ăn nhiều hơn hai lần cắn! Tuy nhiên, điều đó là ổn, bởi vì tôi đang ăn kiêng.

câu 10:What's the name of the restaurant on main street?
 seafood restaurant 
câu 11: How did you feel about restaurant on main street ?
it’s great! I go there often. In fact, I went there last weekend. 
câu 12: would did you like the salad on Seafood restaurant ?
 It was nice and fresh with a great house dressing.
câu 13 : why did you order chocolate cake ?
It’s usually very delicious, but this time, it was much too sweet.
I couldn’t eat more than two bites! 

câu 15 why did you couldn’t eat more than two bites! chocalate cake ?
 it was much too sweet
and because I’m on a diet.


My new girlfriend took me to a Chinese restaurant in her neighborhood the other night. It was pretty good. First we had some egg rolls. They were the best I had ever tasted. Then we ordered the beef and pepper stir-fry. It came in a very interesting sauce—spicy, but not too spicy. We also ordered the steamed vegetables, but they were awful. They were really too soft. The dessert was a big bowl of fresh fruit. Some of the fruit I had never seen. It was fantastic—and so was my date!

Bạn gái mới của tôi đưa tôi đến một nhà hàng Trung Quốc trong khu phố của cô đêm hôm sau. Nó đã được khá tốt. Đầu tiên chúng tôi đã có một số cuộn trứng. Họ là người tốt nhất mà tôi từng nếm thử. Sau đó, chúng tôi ra lệnh cho thịt bò và tiêu xào. Nó có một loại sốt rất thú vị - cay, nhưng không quá cay. Chúng tôi cũng ra lệnh cho rau hấp, nhưng chúng thật khủng khiếp. Họ thực sự quá mềm. Món tráng miệng là một bát lớn trái cây tươi. Một số trái cây tôi chưa từng thấy. Thật tuyệt vời - và cũng là ngày của tôi!

câu 14: where the restaurant , your girl friend took you ?
My new girlfriend took me to a Chinese restaurant in her neighborhood the other night. 




1.Cooking 1 - Casear salad .mp3

it's easy to make a caesar salad

just take some fresh romaine lettuce and chop it in the big pieces

then put it in a Big Bowl ad the dressing and mix it all together

finally when you're ready to eat it sprinkle some shredded parmesan cheese on top

my grandmother is from New Orleans and she makes the best gumbo that's the kind of soup

she pours broth in a big pot

and she has shrimp and mushrooms

she has a lot of spices to like salt and pepper and some other spices that are a big secret

and she stirs it and cook it for hours


Directions(chỉ đường)



 describe people











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