1172 Speeding

Views #1172 | Advanced 7

Road Regulations

Nathan talks with Julia about road regulations and rules for drivers.

Julia: OK, Nathan. So we're talking about driving and are there any rules or regulations (quy định) that you'd like to change?
Nathan: You know what, Jules, that an interesting question. I'm not sure that I want to change rules but I'd like the police to be stricter (xiết chặt) on the rules. Like if people jump the traffic lights, I don't know why there isn't a camera at every set of traffic lights just to stop people from doing that, you know. Or like speeding. It's very, very easy to put speed cameras in places but people seem to think that it's OK like the speed limit is the minimum speed.
Julia: Maybe the car manufacturers (nhà sản xuất) should have some responsibility (trách nhiệm) then in maybe limiting their engine (động cơ). What's the point(điểm mấu chốt) in producing an engine that's big enough and powerful enough that you can go like two hundred kilometres an hour when the speed limits are only...have you ever driven in Germany(đức) where they don't have speed limits?
Nathan: I've been(đã từng) to Germany and been a passenger(hành khách) in a car but not driven, no.
Julia: I've been a passenger on the autobahns (tự động). I really enjoyed it actually (thực sự).
Nathan: Yeah. Is that because you're a speed demon - adrenaline freak (quái vật mạo hiểm)?
Julia: I like the freedom.
Nathan: Right.
Julia: And I think it takes away a lot of the road rage element (cảm giác mãnh liệt trên đường).
Nathan: Right.
Julia: I think people do drive responsibly. Often people break laws simply because the laws are there, you know. If the law isn't there, people drive within their ability range so the autobahns they're, as far as I know, I think they have a high safety rate.
Nathan: Oh really?
Julia: Yeah, they have less accidents because when you've got speed limits this creates situations that actually present dangers on the road.
Nathan: Do those people then maybe I guess in Germany they maybe have better education about self responsibility when driving maybe?
Julia: Possibly. They also have very good cars, very safe cars.
Nathan: Right.
Julia: And you know if you've got like a Porsche or something that can go at that speed then it's so nice to be able to do that.
Nathan: Use it properly?
Julia: Yeah, and safely because you know there's not going to be somebody in that outside lane obeying the speed limit to the letter who's going to present a danger to you. You're free, you can go at the speed you want. If there's people that want to drive slow, they have a lane that they can drive more slowly in.
Nathan: Yeah.
Julia: So it kind of balances out. I think it's the restrictions that create the danger sometimes, based on the autobahns.
Nathan: OK.
Julia: Obviously (chắc chắn) driving through a residential area or where there's a school you've got to have, but I think those things we have in the UK, those speed policemen.
Nathan: Speed bumps.
Julia: Those speed bumps that force you to slow down, I think they're a good idea and perhaps the way to go.
Nathan: To go, so you don't think fining people is useful?
Julia: Not really, no, because that relies on the police time and the police don't have time to police every single driver all the time and do that.

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