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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 2, 2019


The Right Age http://elllo.org/english/1401/1448-Katie-Phone.htm Katie : So I want to ask you about when is the  right age  to have stuff or to start doing stuff. What do you think is the right age to start having a phone ? Aimee : Oh, I think for security reasons , to, you know, keep the child safe , perhaps maybe about 11 or 12 when they start going around places without their parents. Katie : Yeah. Aimee : It would be a way for me to contact my daughter . Even now, my daughter is only six and she doesn't have a phone, and that's far too young , I believe. However, she walks to school by herself and walks home by herself. And that  stresses me out  for her safety. So there are times where I wish I could phone her or text her, but she doesn't have a phone. And I do believe that six is far too young to have a phone. Katie : A little bit too young. Aimee : Yes. So  purely  for  security reasons , I think probably around 11 or 12. K...

991 Tai Chi

Which sports do you like oh, wow, hight impact sports i like basketball and  taekwondo Because  I wanted to do something that was a lot different to what I usually do and I don't usually enjoy exercise that is quite slow such as yoga but I decided to join TAI CHI club and I'm really enjoying it. there are different types of Tai Chi. There's the original Tai Chi which involves quick fast movements, and slower form quite popular in Japan Which mean, that involves very slow pronounced movements, and that's the Tai Chi will support i practise other sports but I've heard that it works on your energy levels, and focuses your mind so that everything is in balance, and I think that can help in kind of sport because even in a sport like basketball , it's important to have balance when you're hitting the ball, when you're T aekwondo . , when you're getting ready for a  Neryo Chagi  - Neryo Chagi is a kick that deals dangerous damage . It ac...

Long Life

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992  Long Life source : http://www.elllo.org/english/0951/T992-Monica-LongLife.htm Todd:  So, Monica, a minute ago we were talking about Tai Chi and about how it helps longevity, helps you live a long life. One time when I was in Bangkok, I met a guy and he was doing Tai Chi and he looked really young, but he said the secret to his old life ... he said the secret to looking young, was Tai Chi and cold showers. He took a cold shower every morning. Monica:  Oh, wow! Todd:  Could you do that? Monica:  No, I don't think I could actually. Todd:  Yeah, you know, I actually tried it for awhile and I tried it for about a week and I did feel so energized and it was easy in Bangkok, cause it's really warm but I couldn't  keep it up , especially not that I'm in the cold climate. There's no way. Monica:  Yeah, I remember when I was young, my mother used to teach me to  splash my face  with cold water in the morning because ...