The Right Age http://elllo.org/english/1401/1448-Katie-Phone.htm Katie : So I want to ask you about when is the right age to have stuff or to start doing stuff. What do you think is the right age to start having a phone ? Aimee : Oh, I think for security reasons , to, you know, keep the child safe , perhaps maybe about 11 or 12 when they start going around places without their parents. Katie : Yeah. Aimee : It would be a way for me to contact my daughter . Even now, my daughter is only six and she doesn't have a phone, and that's far too young , I believe. However, she walks to school by herself and walks home by herself. And that stresses me out for her safety. So there are times where I wish I could phone her or text her, but she doesn't have a phone. And I do believe that six is far too young to have a phone. Katie : A little bit too young. Aimee : Yes. So purely for security reasons , I think probably around 11 or 12. K...