Private Language Tutor

Private Language Tutor
Listening Exercises
Listen to the conversation again by pressing the Play Audio button and read along with the conversation. Review the Key Vocabulary and the sample sentences.
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[ Other Audio Option: Play Window Media ]

Nick: Hi. Uh, are you Sarah?The Big Sister: No, I'm not. I'm her older sister.
Nick: Well, I'm here to talk to her . . .
The Big Sister: I know why you here.
Nick: Good. Uh, Is Sarah here?
The Big Sister: Um, I first have a couple of questions, and you [had] betteranswer them. First of all, what is your name?
Nick: Uh, my name? I'm Nick . . .
The Big Sister: I thought so. Where are you from?
Nick: Um. I'm from Brownsville. Why are you asking me . . .
The Big Sister: Okay. How old are you?
Nick: What!?
The Big Sister: How old are you?
NickDoes that matter?
The Big Sister: Of course, it matters. I wouldn't be asking otherwise.
Nick: Really?
The Big Sister: Really. Yeah. Sarah's only 19.
Nick: Okay, I'm 22. Now, is Sarah here?
The Big Sister: Where did you first meet Sarah and why do you like her so much?
Nick: Like her? What do you mean? I've only met her once in . . .
The Big Sister: Don't lie to me, Nick.
Nick: Are you sure you have the right guy? Listen. Are you sure? [I'm sure, I'm sure.] Listen. I'm leaving. I don't need the money THAT much.
The Big Sister: Money? Wait! What do you mean?
Nick: Listen. I'm a teaching assistant at the university, and I met Sarah in the Spanish class last week. She asked me if I could teach her, you know, help her with her class.
The Big Sister: So, you're not Nick Roberts, that guy that drives that crazy motorcycle? [No!] The one with the large tattoo of a large snake across his back?
Nick: No! What? You've got the wrong guy. I'm leaving. This whole thing is crazy.

Key Vocabulary [Top]
  • had better? (modal of advice): have to, must, with a feeling of possible negative consequences
    - You had better find a private teacher and start studying more, or you will fail the class.
  • something matters (verb): something is important and makes a difference
    - Good study habits matter in learning and passing classes.
  • once (adverb): one time
    - I had a great teacher once, and she taught the subject very clearly.
  • lie (verb): not tell the truth
    - Brandon lied and said he took lessons from a private French teacher, but he can't even say hello in the language.
  • guy (noun): informal for person, usually a man
    - That guy is a real good language tutor if you need help with your Chinese.
  • whole (adjective): full, complete, used to emphasize the noun
    - I did poorly on the whole test.

Nick: Hi. Uh, are you Sarah?
The Big Sister: No, I'm not. I'm her older sister.
Nick: Well, I'm here to talk to her . . .
The Big Sister: I know why you here.
Nick: Good. Uh, Is Sarah here?
The Big Sister: Um, I first have a couple of questions, and you [had] betteranswer them. First of all, what is your name?
Nick: Uh, my name? I'm Nick . . .
The Big Sister: I thought so. Where are you from?
Nick: Um. I'm from Brownsville. Why are you asking me . . .
The Big Sister: Okay. How old are you?
Nick: What!?
The Big Sister: How old are you?
NickDoes that matter?
The Big Sister: Of course, it matters. I wouldn't be asking otherwise.
Nick: Really?
The Big Sister: Really. Yeah. Sarah's only 19.
Nick: Okay, I'm 22. Now, is Sarah here?
The Big Sister: Where did you first meet Sarah and why do you like her so much?
Nick: Like her? What do you mean? I've only met her once in . . .
The Big Sister: Don't lie to me, Nick.
Nick: Are you sure you have the right guy? Listen. Are you sure? [I'm sure, I'm sure.] Listen. I'm leaving. I don't need the money THAT much.
The Big Sister: Money? Wait! What do you mean?
Nick: Listen. I'm a teaching assistant at the university, and I met Sarah in the Spanish class last week. She asked me if I could teach her, you know, help her with her class.
The Big Sister: So, you're not Nick Roberts, that guy that drives that crazy motorcycle? [No!] The one with the large tattoo of a large snake across his back?
Nick: No! What? You've got the wrong guy. I'm leaving. This whole thing is crazy.

Nick: Xin chào. Uh, bạn là Sarah?
The Big Sister: Không, tôi không. Tôi là chị gái của cô ấy.
Nick: À, tôi ở đây để nói chuyện với cô ấy. . .
The Big Sister: Tôi biết tại sao bạn ở đây.
Nick: Tốt. Uh, Sarah đây?
The Big Sister: Um, đầu tiên tôi có một vài câu hỏi, và bạn [đã] betteranswer họ. Trước hết, tên của bạn là gì?
Nick: Uh, tên tôi? Tôi là Nick. . .
The Big Sister: Tôi nghĩ vậy. Bạn đến từ đâu?
Nick: Um. Tôi đến từ Brownsville. Tại sao bạn lại hỏi tôi . . .
The Big Sister: Được rồi. Bạn bao nhiêu tuổi?
Nick: Cái gì !?
The Big Sister: Bạn bao nhiêu tuổi?
Nick: Điều đó có quan trọng không?
The Big Sister: Tất nhiên, nó quan trọng. Tôi sẽ không hỏi khác.
Nick: Thật sao?
The Big Sister: Thật vậy. Ừ. Sarah chỉ mới 19 tuổi.
Nick: Được rồi, tôi là 22. Bây giờ, Sarah có ở đây không?
The Big Sister: Lần đầu tiên bạn gặp Sarah và tại sao bạn lại thích cô ấy đến vậy?
Nick: Giống như cô ấy? Ý anh là gì? Tôi chỉ gặp cô ấy một lần. . .
The Big Sister: Đừng nói dối tôi, Nick.
Nick: Anh có chắc là anh có đúng người không? Nghe. Bạn có chắc không? [Tôi chắc chắn, tôi chắc chắn.] Nghe này. Tôi đi đây. Tôi không cần tiền nhiều.
The Big Sister: Tiền? Chờ đợi! Ý anh là gì?
Nick: Nghe này. Tôi là trợ lý giảng dạy tại trường đại học, và tôi đã gặp Sarah trong lớp học tiếng Tây Ban Nha tuần trước. Cô ấy hỏi tôi có thể dạy cô ấy không, cô biết đấy, giúp cô ấy với lớp của cô ấy.
The Big Sister: Vậy, anh không phải Nick Roberts, anh chàng đó lái chiếc xe máy điên rồ đó sao? [Không!] Người có hình xăm lớn của một con rắn lớn trên lưng?

Nick: Không! Gì? Bạn đã có người sai. Tôi đi đây. Toàn bộ điều này là điên rồ.

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