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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 3, 2019

What facts about abortion do I need to know?

What facts about abortion do I need to know? In This Section Abortion is a very safe procedure. Here are the facts about your options, the different kinds of abortion, and what to expect. What are the different kinds of abortion? Medication abortion , also known as the “abortion pill,” is when you take medicines that you get from a trained doctor or nurse to end an early pregnancy.  In-clinic abortion  is done in a health center by a trained doctor or nurse. Both kinds of abortion are safe and effective. First trimester abortion facts: Common Question In-Clinic Abortion Medication Abortion How does it work? A doctor or nurse uses medical instruments and gentle suction to remove the pregnancy from your uterus. You take pills that end your pregnancy and make your uterus expel the pregnancy tissue (like an early miscarriage). How well does it work? It works more than 99% of the time. 8 weeks of pregnancy or less: it works about 94-98% of t...
Should parents read to their children as much as possible

1172 Speeding

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Views #1172 | Advanced 7 Road Regulations Nathan talks with Julia about road regulations and rules for drivers. Julia : OK, Nathan. So we're talking about driving and are there any rules or regulations (quy định) that you'd like to change? Nathan : You know what, Jules, that an interesting question. I'm not sure that I want to change rules but I'd like the police to be stricter (xiết chặt) on the rules. Like if people jump the traffic lights, I don't know why there isn't a camera at every set of traffic lights just to stop people from doing that, you know. Or like speeding. It's very, very easy to put speed cameras in places but people seem to think that it's OK like the speed limit is the minimum speed. Julia : Maybe the car manufacturers (nhà sản xuất) should have some responsibility (trách nhiệm) then in maybe limiting their engine (động cơ). What's the point(điểm mấu chốt) in producing an engine that's big enough and powerful ...

it should be mandatory for students to study abroad for at least one year

it should be mandatory for students to study  abroad for at least one year ohwow, that was good idea with me, Because Everyone Should Experience Another Culture at Least Once it is away improve/  Increase employment opportunnities (ốp pơ tún nơ đi) To Meet New People and Make New Friends and also Travel Someplace New espcial Gain a New Perspective (pơ fés tịp) by it students have environment Learn Another Language To Challenge Yourself and Grow as a Person  better


http://www.elllo.org/english/1251/1299-Spencer-Curtis-ComfortClothing.htm Views #1299 | Advanced 7 Fashion Sense Curtis talks with Spencer about her sense of style and the clothes she likes to wear. Curtis : Hi Spencer, I thought we might talk about fashion a little bit. Could you describe to me your style or your fashion sense? Spencer : Well my  fashion sense  has definitely changed over the last decade. I was kind of recently out of uni and my  uni  years it was always every night I wanted to look superb. I even dressed up for class, it was, you know, that whatchamacallit a big university, but it was also a very old kind of university where everybody dressed up all the time, very southern, very, you know, let's look good for every kind of occasion. And since graduating from there, I have, you know, entered the real world and I only dress up for work or if I'm going out, which I love dressing up for an occasion. But day-to-day I also love just  ...


Sun, Sea, and Skin http://www.elllo.org/english/1301/T1312-amy-skin-sea-sun.htm Paul : So being  fair-skinned , do you burn easily in the sun? Aimee : I do! I get really, really  freckly , just turn into one big freckle. I have to be careful not to get burned, yeah. I’m careful with my sun lotion. How about you? Paul : Yeah, I’m not a sunbather. I can’t think of anything more boring to be quite honest with you. I may not get it lying on the beach – you’ve got the sand, you’ve got the surf.  I do get it , but I just get too bored. I’d rather be more active, doing some sort of swimming, some sort of activity…. Aimee : I really enjoy swimming in the ocean. If I go to the beach, I don’t sunbathe at all. I sit in the shade until I just want to swim in the ocean: go snorkeling, see something. That’s a lot more fun. Paul : Mmmm, yeah, see something, explore a bit. Yeah, yeah. I mean the sea creatures are actually fascinating really. You put that snorkel on, it's as...


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Slow Travel Dan talks about slow travel and why he likes to live in one place for at least a few months. Todd : So Dan we’re talking about your travels and living overseas, and you have a concept you call slow travel. Can you explain what slow travel is? Dan : Yeah, I mean especially maybe because I'm a blogger, we're always seeking to define things in unique ways. And there’s a lot of terms out there. There’s  expat ; people that have left their native country. There’s backpacker, which is someone who tries to keep their cost very low and they’re continually moving from place to place. There’s flash packer, which is a term that means you still have income from somewhere and you have more tech and toys, and you stay at maybe nicer hotels. But what I did was always a little bit different, which is I would go and get long term leases or medium term leases at apartments. So I would go and get a house or an apartment in a place for anywhere from one to six months...


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Sleeping Patterns Todd : So Sarah, let's talk about sleep. How many hours of sleep do you usually get every night? Sarah : Usually, at least eight. It depends on how late I stay up but usually about eight hours, I try to get every night. Todd : And you are pretty consistent, like even on the weekends, you get eight hours. Sarah : Yes. Even on the weekends. Sleep is very important for me to feel normal and energetic. Todd : Now, do you need an alarm clock to wake you up or you just wake up naturally everyday? Sarah : I definitely have to have an alarm clock. Even though I wake up very easily, I don't wake up at a routine time easily. So I usually set two alarms and that will usually get me up. Todd : Oh wow. I actually have this kind of weird mental ability. I thought that everybody can do this but I found out it's  not the case , but I can wake up exactly at the minute I want, any time. So like, if I have to get up at 5:43, before I go to bed, I can say, ...

Câu hỏi để trả lời ngày thứ 7 9/3/2019

Explain why students should wear school uniforms or why they should have a choice. (Giải thích tại sao học sinh nên mặc đồng phục trường hoặc tại sao họ nên có sự lựa chọn.) School uniforms are great School is to concentrate on education and preparing for the real world where u are supposed concentrate on ur future not a place to show off what u have , what u wear, ur style ect There are needed.   It would help are fathers too save money because using uniforms you never have too change the outfit, without uniforms are fathers need to waste money buying clothe for us to wear the weak,month,year, Semester, and that can help us distinguish who is a student or a "stranger", I really recomend uniforms. it respects the school and on trips you will not get lost. Clothes are not needed to show who you are because deep within is your personality and that can only be unveiled by you not clothes or accessories. It promotes equality in school which is very important Stud...

Ted - A circle of caring

https://www.ted.com/talks/jok_church_a_circle_of_caring/transcript Jok Church | TED2007 A circle of caring You know, what I do is write for children,   and I'm probably America's   most widely read children's author, in fact.   And I always tell people that I don't want to show up looking like a scientist.   You can have me as a farmer, or in leathers,   and no one has ever chose farmer.   I'm here today to talk to you   about circles and epiphanies.   And you know, an epiphany   is usually something you find that you dropped someplace.   You've just got to go around the block   to see it as an epiphany. 0 0:31 That's a painting of a circle.   A friend of mine did that -- Richard Bollingbroke.   It's the kind of complicated circle   that I'm going to tell you about.   My circle began back in the '60s   in high school in Stow, Ohio   where I was the class queer. ...