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コミュニケーションイングリッシュ Communication English (春学期) 連絡! 次回テストはUnit 6-10の範囲で6月2日にテストを行います 春学期テキストのスクリプト Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit 11 Unit 12 Unit 13 Unit 14 Unit 15 Unit 16 Unit 17 http://www.agu.ac.jp/~makoto/makoto/description/class_oc1_spring.html Unit 1 Script Unit 1: The Weekend 2. Let's Listen 1. A: So how was your weekend, Don? B: Well, I wanted to go dancing with my girlfriend but she was too tired to go out. A: So what did you do? B: We just stayed home and watched TV. 2. A: I had a great weekend. B: What happened?. A: I met this really terrific girl and I think she likes me. B: Really? A: Yeah, we're going out next weekend. B: All right! 3. A: What did you do last weekend? B: Umm, I spent most of the time at the gym. A: How come? B: Well, I plant to enter a bodybuilding competition next month. A: Gee, I didn't know you were a bodybuilder. B: Yeah. Want to see m...